So this is where we're headed

With Out Of The Penumbra complete it was time to tackle a new song. The next song turned out to be Remnants Of An Old Life. When I started out with the song I had nothing but the opening melody and I didn't have a plan yet where to take the song. I composed the refrain and the following passages and added some rough outlines for the break shortly after.
As the song progressed further, I felt it was pretty intense, so I felt that a quieter part was needed to balance it. The last part starting from 5:18 slows down the pace significantly, only to lead back to a reprise of the opening melody and convolving into a whirling, buzzing, zapping noise that I envision as a "big crunch". It wasn't until much later that I decided to make another song that picks up this idea and starts with the same passage in reverse, much like with a "big bounce".

Song overview of Remnants Of An Old Life

A monster is born

With the next song in the making, the ever-so-slightest bit of routine started to manifest itself. The pace and productivity ramped up with Jaganoto, which was a refreshing experience. Up to this point, the actual compositon used to be slowed down by the necessity of having to create a decent sound - a sound that allowed me to feel the power and force of the music I was making. Now that I had a good sound at my disposal, I was able to focus more on the actual creative process.
Thus, the compositorial process went fairly smoothly with this song and the rough outline of Jaganoto was done pretty quickly. Ironically, this song turned out to be one of the songs I tinkered the most with, right up until the end of the album production. I found the first versions of this song to be pretty stressful, so I added some quieter parts and cleaned up several parts with excessive drumming. I wanted Jaganoto to be a very powerful and unrelenting song, but I still had to defuse its complexity a little. I didn't know at the time that Jaganoto would become the actual opening song (Intro not counting as a real song), but I did know that a quieter song had to follow up this song.

Middle part with Robot Voice in Jaganoto